
Author Spotlight

Robin Jones Gunn (1955-)
Born in Wisconsin, the second of three children, Robin Jones Gunn's family moved to Orange County, California, when she was five years old. She grew up and attended school there, and later spent time in Europe before returning to the States. She met and married her husband Ross in the late 1970's, and soon afterward began working on her Christy Miller series. She has two children and a daughter-in-law, and she and her husband currently live in Portland, Oregon, where he works as a counselor and she writes and gives public talks.

Books by Robin Jones Gunn

Book Fun Values Age
The Christy Miller Collection, Vol. 1 (Summer Promise / A Whisper and a Wish / Yours Forever) by Robin Jones Gunn Great Clean 13+
A Heart Full of Hope by Robin Jones Gunn Great Clean 13+
Island Dreamer by Robin Jones Gunn Great Clean 13+
A Promise is Forever by Robin Jones Gunn Great Clean 13+
Seventeen Wishes by Robin Jones Gunn Great Clean 13+
Starry Night by Robin Jones Gunn Great Clean 13+
Surprise Endings by Robin Jones Gunn Great Clean 13+
Sweet Dreams by Robin Jones Gunn Great Clean 13+
A Time to Cherish by Robin Jones Gunn Great Clean 13+
True Friends by Robin Jones Gunn Great Clean 13+
A Whisper and a Wish by Robin Jones Gunn Great Clean 13+
Yours Forever by Robin Jones Gunn Great Clean 13+
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